
A naturalistic paradise of biodiversity for a sustainable tourism in the Brenta Dolomites

Discover unique environments and the rare, protected plants and animals during your outdoor holiday

Staying at Baita Valon gives you the opportunity of experiencing the magical world of the UNESCO Alpi Ledrensi e Judicaria Biosphere Reserve. A rich mosaic of protected areas incorporated in the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park targeted on safeguarding the integrity of the habitat and protecting the 30 rare species of plants and 150 protected animals that live here. This perfect symbiosis between man and nature favours the development of sustainable tourism and allows you to fully integrate yourselves in the natural settings of the park while respecting all its inhabitants.

During your stay at Baita Valon, dedicate time to the well-being of your body and mind. Walk barefoot on the grassy meadows during the hot, summer days and feel the rich, green grass between your toes. Recharge your batteries, take deep, calm breaths, Fill your lungs with the clean, fresh mountain air, and why not hug a tree to feel all its energy and become one with nature. Meditate in silence, listen to the soft sounds of the woodland animals and the streams. Feed your eyes with the beauty of the Dolomites. Dip your feet in one of the many mountain streams and enjoy the cold, crystal clear waters. Stop a while and feel your head, heart and soul become lighter. Live in harmony with the surrounding nature and enjoy the mountain's beneficial effects.


Request your holiday in the heart of the Adamello-Brenta Nature Park now. An authentic, unique and unforgettable experience.

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